Transformation of Media Industries and Communications; Journalism and Media History; Critical Theory
“On Unregulated Markets and the Freedom of Media: The Transition of the East German Press after 1989,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Thesis defense May 11, 2018 (Committee: Inger Stole, Robert McChesney, John Nerone (chair), Dan Schiller)
Winner of the 2020 Communication History Dissertation Award of the German Communication Association (DGPuK).
Tröger, M. (under contract). Die Treuhand und die Privatisierung der DDR-Presse [The Treuhand and the Privatization of the GDR Press]. Berlin: Christoph Links Verlag.
Tröger, M., & Becker, J. (2023). The Bertelsmann Corporation. A Transnational Media Service Giant. Birkinbine, B., Garcia Gomez, R., & Wasko, J. (eds.). Global Media Giants, London und New York: Routledge.
Tröger, M. (2019). Pressefrühling und Profit. Wie westdeutsche Verlage 1989/1990 den Osten eroberten [On the Rise and Death of Newspapers. How West German Newspaper Publishers Conquered East Germany in 1989/1990]. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
Academic Journals (Peer-reviewed)
Tröger, M., & Theine, H. (forthcoming). On the Impact of the Trump Administration on Media and Media Regulation in Europe. In: Journalism Research, 2025. [Will also be available in German].
Sevignani, S., Theine, H., & Tröger, M. (2025). Unpacking Property: Media, Ownership, and Power in Transformation | Toward Media Environment Capture: A Theoretical Contribution on the Influence of Big Tech on News Media. In: International Journal of Communication, 19, 804-824.
Theine, H., Bartsch, J., & Tröger, M. (2025). Unpacking Property: Media, Ownership, and Power in Transformation | Does Media Ownership Matter for Journalistic Content? A Systematic Review of Empirical Studies. In: International Journal of Communication, 19, 865-888.
Tröger, M. (2024). On the war in Gaza, German media and the ‘wrong side of history’? Mandy Tröger in conversation with Kai Hafez. In: Journalism Research, Debate, 7/2, 223-231. [Also available in German]
Tröger, M. (2024). From party to private property: Early battles over press ownership in post-wall Germany. In: European Journal of Communication, 39(5), 512-525.
Tröger, M. (2023). „Critical Juncture“: Die Theorie der kritischen politischen Ökonomie in der historischen Kommunikationsforschung [A “Critical Juncture”: The Theory of Critical Political Economy in Historical Communications Research]. In: Medien & Zeit, 38/2, 86-98.
Tröger, M., & Ecker, M. v. d. (2023). Where’s the Critique? On the Dearth of Critical Theory in German Communication Research. In: Media Theory, 7/1. 257-276.
Tröger, M. (2022). What is “Alternative Media Criticism”? An Argument for a Well-Founded Understanding of Critique. In: Journalism Research, Debate, 5/1, 58-66. [Also available in German]
Tröger, M. (2021). Monopolizing the Democratic Dream. The Struggle over a Free Press in East Germany 1989/1990. In: International Journal of Communication, 15, 982-999.
Tröger, M. (2021). Journalism in the Time of Tech-Sponsoring? A Case for a Stronger Journalism in the Digital Media World. In: Journalism Research, Debate, 4/3, 231-238. [Also available in German]
Gordeeva, D., & Tröger, M. (2020). On the Construction of Socialist East Germany in Contemporary German Film. In: Funes. Journal of Narratives and Social Sciences, 4, 140-155.
Zollmann, F., Klaehn, J., & Sikka, T. et. al. (2018). The Propaganda Model and Intersectionality: Integrating Separate Paradigms. In: Media Theory, Special Section: Edward S. Herman and the Propaganda Model Today, 2/2, 213-239.
Tröger, M. (2013). Critical Comm History | What Makes “Free” Radio? U.S. Media Policy Discussions in Post-War Germany 1945-1947. In: International Journal of Communication, 7, 20.
Tröger, M. (2012). Re-reading C. Wright Mills. Breaking the Disembodied Truth. In: Cultural Studies & Critical Methodologies, June, 12/3, 173-179.
Academic Journals (Not peer-reviewed)
Ecker, M. v. d., & Tröger, M. (2022). Zum Kritikbegriff des Netzwerks Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft [What the Term “Critical” Means for the Network for Critical Communication Research]. In Kannengießer, S., Gentzel, P., Wallner, C. & Wimmer, J. (eds.), Kritik (in) der Kommunikationswissenschaft, 1-11. Bremen: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft e.V.
Tröger, M. (2020). On Unregulated Markets and the Freedom of Media: The Transition of the East German Press after 1989. DGPuK-Preisbeitrag. In: Medien & Zeit, 02/2020, 4-8.
Tröger, M. (2020). A Free Market for a Free Post-Socialist Press? In: Global Dialog. Special Issue: Media and Communication in Digital Capitalism. A Critical Perspective. 10/2, 31-32.
Tröger, M. (2014). U.S. Pop-Culture Decontextualized: Consumerist Ideologies in Socialist East Germany. In: Spectator - The University of Southern California Journal of Film and Television, Spring, 34/1, 10-17.
Journals (Invited)
Tröger, M. (2023). Der Osten als Chance. Ostdeutsche Perspektiven in der Reformdebatte um den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk [The East as an Opportunity. East German Perspectives in the Reform Debate on Public Service Broadcasting]. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte. Heft: Öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk. Bundesamt für politische Bildung, 2023.
Tröger, M. (2023). Der Osten kann keine Demokratie? [The East can't do Democracy?]. In: LuXemburg - Gesellschaftsanalyse und linke Praxis, Themenheft: Was blüht im Osten?, 1/2023, 24-29.
Tröger, M. (2022). Verpasste Chancen – die Transformation der DDR-Presse 1989/90 [Missed Opportunities – The Transformation of the GDR Press 1989/90]. In: Deutschland Archiv, January 10, 2022. Available:
Tröger, M. (2021). Daten und Demokratie im Digitalen Kapitalismus [Data and Democracy in Digital Capitalism]. In: Marxistische Blätter. Themenheft: Medien im Umbruch, 51-59.
Tröger, M. (2021). Wer hat Stimme? Erzählte Erfahrungen mit 30 Jahren deutscher Einheit [Who's got a voice? Oral History and 30 Years of German Unity]. In: Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen. Heft 173, 2/2021, 92.
Tröger, M. (2021). Das letzte Wort hat die Treuhand? Zur Privatisierung der SED-Presse [The Treuhand has got the last word? On the Privatization of the SED Party-Press]. In: Gerbergasse 18. Thüringer Vierteljahreszeitschrift für Zeitgeschichte und Politik. Heft 98: Die Treuhandanstalt, 01/2021, 20-25.
Tröger, M. (2020). Die mark(t)getriebenen Pressetransformation 1989/1990: Thüringen damals und heute [On the Mark(et)-Driven Transformation of the Press in 1989/1990: Thuringia Now and Then]. In: Gerbergasse 18. Thüringer Vierteljahreszeitschrift für Zeitgeschichte und Politik. Heft 96: Deutsche Einheit, 03/2020.
Tröger, M. (2019). Die Treuhandanstalt und die Privatisierung der DDR-Presse [The Treuhandanstalt and the Privatization of the GDR-Press]. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte. Heft: Das letzte Jahr der DDR. Bundesamt für politische Bildung, 35/37, 34-39.
Edited Volumes
Gordeeva, D., & Tröger, M. (forthcoming). Zur Konstruktion der DDR im Film [On the Construction of the GDR in Film]. Matthäus, S. (eds.). Der andere Blick. Der Osten im Rahmen poststrukturalen, postkolonialen und postmigrantischen Denkens. Bielefeld: transcript.
Tröger, M. (2024). With History at its core: Making a case for historical methods in Critical Political Economy. Gómez García, R., Pedro-Carañana, J., & Sierra F. (eds.). The Political Economy of Communication. Research Methods and Techniques. London & New York: Routledge.
Theine, H., Tröger, M., & Sevignani, S. (2023). Wer beherrscht die Medien? Zur Einfassung des Journalismus durch Technologiekonzerne [Who Controls the Media? How Tech-Companies are Capturing Journalism]. Legrand, J., Linden, B., & Arlt H.-J. (eds.). Welche Öffentlichkeit brauchen wir? Zur Zukunft des Journalismus und demokratischer Medien [What kind of public do we need? On the future of journalism and democratic media]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 21-34.
Tröger, M. (2021). Zwischen Diktatur, Utopie und Markt. Die Zeitungslandschaft Ostdeutschlands in der Wendezeit [Between Dictatorship, Utopia and Market. The East German Press and the Post-Socialist Transition]. Sabrow, M., Siebenreich, T., & Weiß, P.U. (eds.). 1989 – Eine Epochenzäsur? Göttingen: Wallstein.
Tröger, M. (2021). Die vergessenen Medienreformen des letzten Jahres der DDR [The Forgotten Media Reforms of the Last Year of the GDR]. Borchers, N., Güney, S., Krüger, U. & Schamberger, K. (eds.). Transformation der Medien - Medien der Transformation. Verhandlungen des Netzwerks Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft. Frankfurt/M.: Westend Verlag and and Leipzig University.
Tröger, M. (2021). Verpasste Chancen – die Transformation der DDR-Presse 1989/90 [Missed Opportunities – The Transformation of the GDR Press 1989/90]. Kowalczuk, I.S., Ebert, F., & Kulick, H. (eds.). (Ost)Deutschlands Weg. 45 Studien & Essays zur Lage des Landes Teil I – 1989 bis heute. Bundesamt für politische Bildung und Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft.
Tröger, M. (2020). Das mediale Erbe der Treuhand [The Media Legacy of the Treuhand]. Moehrle, R. (ed.). Umbrüche und Kontinuitäten in der deutschsprachigen Presse. Fallstudien zu Medienakteuren von 1945 bis heute. Gutenberg: Computus Verlag.
Tröger, M. (2020). Eine Kritik der Ideologie der „freien Presse“ zur Wendezeit 1989/1990 [A Critique of the “Free Press” Ideology During the 1989/1990 Transition]. Krüger, U., & Sevigiani, S. (eds.). Ideologie, Kritik, Öffentlichkeit Verhandlungen des Netzwerks Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft. Frankfurt/M.: Westend Verlag and Leipzig University.
Tröger, M. (2015). Crisis and the Information Economy: Re-Reading Herbert S. Schiller. Leonzi, S., Ciofalo, G., & Di Stefano, A. (eds.). Power and Communication. Media, Politics and Institutions in Times of Crisis. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Tröger, M. (2014). Epilogue. The Left as a Needed Ideology. Coban, S. (eds.). Media and the Left. Leiden, NL: Brill Publishers.
Tröger, M. (2013). A Fragmented History: Media in Socialist East Germany and the ‘Double Media’ Landscape. Coban, S. (eds.). Media’s Role in the Socialist Era. Kiel, DE: Amani Publisher International.
Hilker, H., Langer, L., & Tröger, M. (2022). Zwischen Anspruch und Auftrag. Die öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien in der Kritik [Between Claim and Mission. Public Service Media under Criticism]. Luxemburg Beiträge, Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.
Tröger, M. (2021). Digitaler Kapitalismus. Die Macht globaler Technologiekonzerne [Digital Capitalism. The Power of Global Tech-Companies]. Report, Institut für sozial-ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung e.V, München.
Student Publications
Atteneder, H., & Tröger, M. (eds.) (2024). Captured Journalism: Kritische Perspektiven auf die Macht der Internetoligopole [Captured Journalism: Critical perspectives on the power of internet oligopolies]. Tübingen: Network for Critical Communications Research.
Becker, T., Bührig, A., Duarte, A. M., Hopfe, E., Ludewig, E., Pavlovsky, M., Robben, A., Scarfò, I., & Tröger, M. (2022). Diversity in Media and Media Management. A Handbook. London: Media Diversity Institute.
Handbooks & Encyclopedia
Thiele, M., & Tröger, M. (forthcoming). Political Correctness. Nai, A., Grömping, M., & Wirz, D. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Schmitt, P., & Tröger, M. (2023). Medienkritik [Media Criticism]. Journalistikon. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
Tröger, M. (2022). Werbekritik als Gesellschaftskritik: Leiss, Kline & Jhally's “Social Communication in Advertising: Persons, Products, and Images of Well-Being” [The Critique of Advertising as Social Critique: Leiss, Kline & Jhally's “Social Communication in Advertising: Persons, Products, and Images of Well-Being”]. Meitz, T., Borchers, N.S., & Naderer, B. (eds.). Schlüsselwerke der Werbeforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Tröger, M. (2022). Bertelsmann. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Journalism, 2nd edition. SAGE Publication, Inc.
Tröger, M. (2021). Gastbeitrag: Medien und “der Osten”. Ostdeutsche sind mehr als “die anderen” Deutschen [Guest Contribution: Media and “the East”. East Germans are More than “the Other” Germans]. Diversity Guide - Wie deutsche Medien mehr Vielfalt schaffen. Handbuch für professionellen Journalismus [Diversity Guide - How German Media Create Diversity. Handbook for Professional Journalism], 2nd edition. Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen.
Tröger, M. (2021). On the Post-Socialist Marketization of the Eastern European Press: A view from Germany. The Routledge Handbook of Digital Media and Globalization. London & Now York: Routledge.
Copy editor, The Handbook of European Communication History. Arnold, K., Preston, P., & Kinnebrock, S. (eds.) (2019). Handbooks in Communication and Media Series, John Wiley & Sons.
Tröger, M. (2024). [Book Review of] Dielt, S. (2022). The transformation and restructuring of GDR broadcasting in the process of German reunification. In: Journalism Research, 7/2, 258-261.
Tröger, M. (2024). [Book Review of] Dielt, S. (2022). Transformation und Neustrukturierung des DDR-Rundfunks im Prozess der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands. Akteure, Interessen, Prozesse. Munich: utzverlag. rezensionen:kommunikation:medien (r:k:m), 2. Mai 2024.
Tröger, M. (2021). [Book Review of] Deutsch, P. (2020). Identitäten im Umbruch. Das Deutschlandradio als Nationaler Hörfunk, 1989-1994. Bielefeld: transcript. Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Tröger, M. (2017). [Book Review of] Anikó I. (2016). TV socialism. Durham: Duke University Press. Book Review, Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Tröger, M. (2016). [Review of] Fiedler, A., & Meyen, M. (2015). The Steering of the Press in the Socialist States of Eastern Europe: the German Democratic Republic (GDR) as a Case Study. Cold War History Vol. 15 (2015), 449-470. H-Diplo, Review No. 660, November 15, 2016.
Tröger, M. (2024). Von Ost-Berlin in die Welt [From East Berlin into the World]. Nehring, F., & Nehring, R. (eds.). Denke ich an Ostdeutschland [Thinking of East Germany]. Berlin: PRIMA VIER Nehring Verlag.
Tröger, M. (2019). Das mediale Erbe der DDR [The Media Legacy of the GDR]. Bigl, B. (ed.). TransferPLUS - Beiträge zur Medienbildung. Issue 04/2019.
2023 – 2024 / Institute for Media Studies, University of Tübingen, Germany
Nachrichtenmedien und Internetoligopole [News Media and Internet Oligopolies]
MA-Composition Course
2021 – 2022 / Institute for Journalism and Communications Research, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, Germany
Who owns the Media?
Advanced Composition Course (Critical Political Economy)
Diversity in Media Managment
MA-Composition Course
Empirical and Conceptional Analysis (German-language class)
MA-Research Course with Prof. Carsten Winter
2018 – 2021 / Department of Media and Communication, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Diversity in Advertising
Advanced Composition Course (Critical Race and Advertising Studies)
Race and Gender in the Media
Methods Course (Critical Discourse Analysis)
Who owns the Media? (German-language class)
Methods Course (Qualitative Content Analysis) with Co-Instructor with Kerem Schamberger
The Political Economy of Media and Communication (German-language class)
Methods Course (Qualitative Content Analysis) with Co-Instructor with Kerem Schamberger
2014 / Education for Justice Project (Higher Education in Prison) (voluntary), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and Danville Correctional Center, Illinois, USA
Media and Democracy
Upper Division Course for students incarcerated at the medium security prison of Danville Correctional Center
2009 – 2013 / Institute Communications Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA
Introduction to the Media
Advanced Composition Course
Social Aspects of the Media
Teaching Assistant, Lecture / Instructors: Prof. Isabel Molina / Prof. Ann Reisner
Popular Culture
Teaching Assistant, Lecture / Instructor: Prof. Angharad Valdivia
2008 – 2009 / Political Science Institute, Leiden University, Netherlands
Working in International Organizations
Coordinator and academic advisor to international MA students in International Relations and Diplomacy (MAIRD)